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Effects of female calls on male behavior during the breeding season in frogs, Rana porosa brevipoda and Rana nigromaculata.
Frontiers in Amphibian Biology: Endangered Species Conservation and Genome Editing.
Hiroshima University. 2014/3
Female frogs emit a call in the breeding season.
Seminar on Asian Vertebrate Species Diversity Research, JSPS Core-to-Core Program.
Kyoto University. 2014/10
Why do female pond frogs call? : Possible function of female vocalization in frogs to avoid reproductive interference.
34th International Ethological Conference.
Cairns, Australia. 8/2015
How do pond frogs with close relation avoid reproductive interference?
The 5th International Symposium on Asian Vertebrate Species Diversity. Bangkok and Saraburi, Thailand. 12/2015.
Female calls reduce intraspecific or interspecific sexual coercion in two Japanese pond frogs
The 5th Annual meeting of the society for bioacoustics.
Kumamoto Univ.12/2018
Female calls reduce intraspecific or interspecific sexual coercion in two Japanese pond frogs
36th International Ethological Conference.
Chicago, America. 8/2019.
Lecture 講演
2016 兵庫県立津名高等学校・名城大学附属高等学校
2017 北海道釧路湖陵高等学校・横浜翠嵐高等学校
2018 大阪国際大和田高校・大手前高松高校・福井県立金津高校
2019 宮崎県立高鍋高校・東京都立富士高校・兵庫県立津名高校
京都大学 学びのフロンティア2019 2019/9/21
Award 受賞
優秀ポスター賞 日本生態学会 第66回大会
振興奨励賞 日本動物行動学会 第41回大会
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